Train the Trainer Accredited Course: Become a 'Mindful and Wellbeing Practitioner', learning to deliver a 'Mindful and Wellbeing Course' to your pupils.

Fulfilling the statutory requirements for wellbeing within the Key Stage 2 RSE Curriculum Objectives and the NHS 5 Ways to Wellbeing Objectives.

The course content for young people is suitable for whole class, group or 1:1 teaching with Year 5 and 6 pupils and for small intervention groups or 1:1 for Year 7 and 8 pupils.

Gain accreditation in the field of Mindful Wellbeing with 15 hours of CPD learning.

Learn how to successfully deliver sessions and techniques that support good mental health.

The 'Mindful and Wellbeing Course' has been delivered to 100's of young people from Year 5+.

Ultimate Flexibility:
Access your training course online then work through at your own pace.

Life Time Resource:
A PDF of the Mindful & Wellbeing Course to work through with young people.

Clear & Concise:
Documents with the objectives for;
-Key Stage 2 RSE Wellbeing Curriculum .
-NHS 5 Ways to Wellbeing.
-Mindful and Wellbeing Course.

Available through emails, plus either 2 free online consultations or one school visit (location dependant) as part of the training package.

Mindful and Wellbeing Course Manual for Young People.

The course manual can be completed by pupils without you completing the accredited training course, either on their own or with an adult; in school or at home. The course manual consists of 9 breathing techniques for self-regulation, 7 mindful moments and 2 mindful moments to create to live in a more mindful and focused way, and 45 session topics and 45 follow up activities.

Mini Mindful and Wellbeing Courses for Parents/Caregivers

We have mini informative short courses you can do. Each course will have downloadable sessions and activities for you to work through with young people.

Each course is:

Affordable and easy to follow.

Informative and gives you knowledge of mindful concepts, the brain and thoughts, feelings and behaviours.

Supportive for young people and strategies and activities can be repeated through out their lives.

2-pronged; as well as helping young people, they can also help adults with their own anxieties, stresses and worries.

Lead Trainer and Practitioner

Clare Hales PhD, Developing Matters CIC Director

Clare Hales has created the courses, manuals and resources to support young people with anxieties, worries and stresses and give them the understanding, confidence and tools to get through life events and transitions. She has delivered mindful and wellbeing courses and sessions to 100s of young people, including through her PhD Research “Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Autistic Young People” and is now training adults to work directly with the young people in their care either at school or at home.

Each session and follow up activity, mindful moment and breathing technique in the courses and resources available has been delivered to young people, with their feedback and suggestions adapting sessions, activities and strategies.

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