Congratulations on completing the 14 topics for yourself and for your child. Please do not forget about this learning and please use some of the learning, strategies, and thinking to navigate through your life and your child’s life to create a more mindful future. There is a mindful future list for you to print off and to add the breathing technique, and mindful moment you will continue to use, and also room to add some learning reminders to help your busy mind. The example lists them all, but just list the ones that will be the most helpful and beneficial for you on your list. Print off or create a list for your child as well.

Along the way there have been some ‘Take Time To Think’ questions, you may find some of these helpful, if so add them in your own words to your mindful future list.

There is a little quiz to do to finish this course to consolidate your learning, if you would like a certificate of completion then email us at and we will send some evaluation questions to complete then we will send over your certificate.

If you have enjoyed this course there are two future courses for parents to complete:

  • Overthinking and Thoughts, Feelings & Behaviours.
  • Stress, Hormones, Triggers & Choices.

There are options to purchase course manuals for young people to work through. The full 9-module course is all the learning and activities in one document Mindful & Wellbeing Course Manual for Young People. There is also the option of mini-course manuals to complement all three parent courses Mini Course: Fight, Flight, Freeze & The Busy Mind, Mini Course: Overthinking and Thoughts, Feelings & Behaviours, Mini Course: Stress, Hormones and Triggers & Choices. For your unique discount code please send us an email.

Final Activity: print off or create your own Mindful Future List and write down all your reminders to continue to live more mindfully.

All the content in each mini-course and the full ‘mindful and wellbeing course for young people’ has been created through my teaching experience and also training and completing a number of mindfulness courses and attending events. Particular thanks is to Maya Yoga for training me in ‘mindfulness and yoga for child and mental health’ and also Edge Hill University for enabling me to conduct research as part of my PhD on my adapted ‘mindfulness-based intervention for autistic young people. If you would like yo know the results of the research then the studies will be added onto our website soon.

Here is a suggested reading list for you as a parent and also for young people, it includes books and also apps to use.